7 Amazing Photographer Gifts You Probably Haven’t Even Seen

A new lens is fine by us, but if you like to surprise—to come up with something new—then here are seven things that we as photographers would love to see under the Christmas tree.

1) An Eye Fi card

This little gadget is both an SD-format memory card and wifi uploader in one. It uploads your photos right during a shoot—to your computer, your laptop, or just your smartphone or tablet. It’s an absolute waste for those with Wifi cooked into their camera. For the rest of us, it’s a dream come true.


2) A Bryan Petersons online course

School? Boring!!
But not really! Over the years, Bryan Peterson has shown incredible talent in explaining and teaching the basics of digital photography in book form. Now he’s started offering online courses, and they are superb. The textbooks, videos, weekly assignments, and feedback are all straight from this master and other professional photographers. Remember, an education is money well spent!

Bryan Peterson will teach you how to understand exposure and work with your camera
Bryan Peterson will teach you to understand exposure and work with your camera

3) A pop-up flash bounce

Pop-up flashes are the number one (and two, and three) cause of have red-eyed photos. They’re also the reason why only 20-year-olds “look good under a flash”. Light from a built-in pop-up flash is simply too harsh and too direct. But there’s an affordable solution—a pop-up flash bounce. These bounce the flash to the ceiling, diffusing the light and making your photos taken with a flash look completely different.

4) A Holga!

Buy your love an old camera! They can be really cheap, and the options are limitless. Even a broken one is a classy, topical decoration. But a working one brings back the joy of taking pictures, because it is the opposite of dry, technical perfection. Or cheat a little and just buy smartphone camera filters.


5) Bokeh kits

Bokeh is the look of the out-of-focus part of your picture. Bokeh depends on your lens and the aperture you use. Bokeh kits are really fun—for example you can change the Christmas lights in your photos’ backgrounds to any shape you can imagine, from hearts to maple leaves.

Your bokeh can easily look like heart! Copyright: www.ilkoallexandroff.com/
Your bokeh can even look like hearts! Copyright: www.ilkoallexandroff.com

6) Photography cookie cutters

Oh yes, they do sell that. Now you can make everyone in your photo club love your cookies even if you burn them.


7) Fake camera tattoos

Not everyone loves their gear as much as Nick Stern. You don’t have to give a real tattoo, either. Photo tattoos, even fakes, are beautiful and funny—like you!


What would you love to get for Christmas?