At Learn Photography, we regularly bring you themes from the world of photography, offering various tips and interesting facts to advance your skills. Each spring brings countless breathtaking scenes of nature awakening, and we were curious to see how you, the photographers, perceive it.
We extend our heartfelt thanks to all readers and photographers who joined our challenge. We received many diverse details of nature stirring to life—from tiny buds to intricate details of insect friends. You managed to view the theme from different perspectives, truly elevating the subject matter. Selecting just the top 10 from your submissions was once again a challenging task. Is your photo among the chosen ones?
Last autumn, I bought a pack of bulbs online and planted them in my garden. They grew into beautiful, full-bloom tulips, and this was the first one still in bud.
4. Josef Martinek
5. Vladimír Študent
Ballerina. This photo was taken in the Hostivař Forest Park in Prague as soon as the first flowers appeared. Thus, even in Prague, one can enjoy the blossoming nature and find a subject for shooting all day.
I always photograph snowdrops in spring, but I’ve never managed to capture that perfect photo where there’s still snow, and the snowdrops are blooming through it. One morning on March 1st, a light dusting of snow fell, so I grabbed my camera and rushed outside. Unfortunately, it warmed up quickly, and there wasn’t much snow left in the shot—more water than snow—but I’m still happy with this photo. Since it was such a rush, I just slapped down into the wet grass, mud, and snow, and shot from a prone position. I envy people their gardens. I’m from a high-rise, and anything blooming I must find nearby. Luckily, snowdrops grow right next to the next building, though people look at me a bit strangely and sometimes even want to give me first aid when they see me rolling around on the ground. This shoot then cost me a nasty cold and bronchitis, but it was worth it :-D
7. Jiří Večerník
8. Václava Borovcová
These photos were taken in the Jizera Mountains this March. The frogs were very active, and a large part of the water surface was densely covered with eggs. I spent about two hours there, mostly observing and listening to their gentle croaking, which sounded like a distant rumbling engine. I estimate there could have been about 30 frogs at once. For me, an unforgettable experience!
Didn’t find your photo among these ten? No worries! Subscribe to our newsletter and follow us on Instagram, where you’ll be the first to find interesting tips and themes from the world of photography or our next challenge with a new theme.
Unfortunately, not everyone can make it into the TOP 10, but since we received so many very successful photos, we must also share some others with you in the form of a gallery.
Thank you for sending in your photos: Gabriel Stančík, Marta Čížková, Antonín Havlát, Thomas Ponto, Vilém Nekuža, Slávka Matoušková, Ruth Klevinghaus, RNDr. Petr Kozelek, Tomáš Kuthan, and Zuzana Ludvíková.
Marta ČížkováVilém NekužaRNDr. Petr KozelekThomas PontoAntonín Havlát, Už zasetoTomáš KuthanZuzana LudvíkováSlávka MatouškováRuth KlevinghausGabriel Stančik
Also, take a look at how our ambassador, Honza Musil, dealt with the theme of Awakening of Nature.