Zoner Photo Studio Power User: Heather Overman

As we told you in this space last week, we were lucky enough to recently have the opportunity to chat with two staff photographers and ardent Zoner users on Site Selection magazine, a publication that covers the development and selection of business facilities all over the world.

Taking Your Photography to New Heights

We heard from the publication’s Lead Staff Photographer last week, Soo Jones-Kelley, who told us about her experiences shooting with her Canon 60D and her creative experimenting with Zoner Photo Studio.

This week it’s her photographic partner at Site Selection, Heather Overman, a Nikon girl, who provides us with a glimpse into the world she sees through her camera lens.


Zonerama: What features in Zoner Photo Studio do you find most useful?
Overman: The organizational tools and ease of use.

Zonerama: What camera(s) do you shoot with regularly?
Overman: I mostly use my Nikon D7100. I also frequently use my Nikon COOLPIX P510 and Nikon COOLPIX AW120 which is great for quick photos and underwater shots. I would eventually like to get the full frame Nikon D810.

Zonerama: What is your favorite lens?
Overman: I mostly use my NIKKOR 18-140mm f/3.5-5.6G ED VR. It is very versatile for many different shots.

Zonerama: What are some of your favorite things to photograph?
Overman: My favorite items to photograph are nature, such as animals in their natural environment, landscape and cityscapes, as well as catching those in-the-moment shots with people. I absolutely love underwater photography. I’d like to do more underwater photography and eventually get a housing for my DSLR.

Zonerama: Talk to us about how the profession of photography has changed in the last decade.
Overman: Taking photos and sharing them with friends and family is now easier than ever. Cameras arenow built right into phones along with editing apps and they can then be uploaded onto any social media network in a snap. That makes it harder for professionals to break through the industry – everyone is a photographer now. It’s great because people get a chance to enjoy taking photos and sharing them, but now the market is saturated. Competition is harder than ever. However, I still believe that the professionals can still separate themselves by appreciating the art of photography and creating incredible photos. Anyone can snap a photo, but it takes more than that to create a work of art.

Zonerama: How are you educating yourself today to stay on top of this ever-changing profession?
Overman: Through reading books, articles online and in magazines, participating in workshops, and continuing to shoot photos! Reading can only get you so far until you actually put into practice.

Zonerama: What do you want people to take away when they view your images?
Overman: I want people to see the beauty of the world around them, whether it’s in an exotic place, their own backyard, or precious moment in time.

Zonerama: Other than the camera itself, what’s your favorite photo gadget?
Overman: Filters – such as ND, graduated, and polarized filters.

Zonerama: When you are out shooting, how much of what you capture is instinctual versus planned?
Overman: I’d say it’s 50/50. I may have a plan for what I’m going to shoot, but then I’ll usually find a great shot without really looking for it. However, I do try to visualize how I’d like to capture the shot which requires some planning to get a creative exposure.

Remember you too can take your images to new heights as well with Zoner Photo Studio  so download your free trial version today.