TOP 10 Photos from Our Readers – Theme: Lights and Shadows in HDR

TOP 10 Photos from Our Readers - Theme Lights and Shadows in HDR

At Learn Photography magazine, we regularly bring you various tips and topics from the world of photography. We are glad that we can inspire you and advance your skills. Lights and shadows can be used very creatively, and we were interested in how you photographers perceive them, especially in HDR.

We thank all the readers and photographers who joined our challenge. We received many interestingly conceived photographs. You managed to look at the theme from different perspectives. Choosing only the top 10 best among you was again very difficult. Is yours among the selected ones?

Pavel Mikovec

TOP 10 Photos from Our Readers, Pavel Mikovec
On a ‘winter’ forest walk.

This photograph is in HDR. If you do not have an HDR monitor, you may see the photo distorted.

Antonín Havlát

This photograph is in HDR. If you do not have an HDR monitor, you may see the photo distorted.

Daniela Rapavá

I wanted to show you something you probably haven’t seen. A tiny micro-universe of light from diffraction on a hair. Something not visible to the naked eye and you see it only as a strong reflection of light on the hair, I visualize the colors that arise from moving the camera. (1 shot ICM). Abstractions purely from light are an indescribable experience. It’s like a connection of art and science and maybe you will also be interested in this topic.

Tomáš Dutz

TOP 10 Photos from Our Readers, Tomáš Dutz
Hradištěk – This place probably needs no introduction when visiting South Moravia, our place for a sunset with wine.

Monika Schrammová

TOP 10 Photos from Our Readers, Monika Schrammová

RNDr. Petr Kozelek

TOP 10 Photos from Our Readers, RNDr. Petr Kozelek
Ruins of Lestkov Castle. Photographed from the lookout on Rašovické rocks.

Zdislav Jankovský

This photograph is in HDR. If you do not have an HDR monitor, you may see the photo distorted.

Josef Martinek

TOP 10 Photos from Our Readers, Josef Martinek

Ellen Wiewel (DE)

TOP 10 Photos from Our Readers, Ellen Wiewel

Milan Urban

This photograph is in HDR. If you do not have an HDR monitor, you may see the photo distorted.

Didn’t find your photo among these ten? No worries!

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