Tag: mask

How to Retouch Away Wires, Trash, and More in Your Photos

When you’re taking pictures outdoors, sometimes you’ll run into a composition that’s great except for a few things that are in the way. Usually some signs of civilization. Electricity wires, trash, and other visual pollution are guaranteed to ruin the impression from an otherwise good photo. But with the right edits, you can solve this problem easily. Take a look at how to do this basic retouching.

How to Replace a Dull Sky

It’s happened to the best of us. You’re somewhere amazing and you want to be sure you beautifully document everything, but the weather is not in your favor. While the subject of your photograph itself may be fascinating, the sky is boring. In most cases, you can use the gradient filter and similar tools to fix it. But there are some situations where no matter what you do, the sky is not how you want it and you have to try something else. You have one last resort– replace the sky with a different one.

How to Create a Transparent Background

A transparent background is the perfect helper when you’re preparing product photos, collages, or other creative edits. And meanwhile it’s easy to set up. All you need is some basic work with selections, layers, and masks. And then in a couple of minutes you’ve prepared a picture that you can use for jobs like creating posters and invitations.

Assembling Macro Photography Using Layers

The main disadvantage of macro shots is their low depth of field. Everyone recommends a tight aperture, but in practice even that won’t get you really sharp macro. But there’s another option—taking multiple shots at varying depths and joining them on a computer.

Brighten. Darken. Highlight Your Subject in 5 Easy Steps

Sometimes you need to highlight your subject to make sure they’re attention-getting and that it’s immediately clear what’s important in the photo. In today’s article, we’ll show you how you can make a photo’s subject shine using local brightening and darkening. After all, photographs are about light. And today’s edit will be about light too.

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