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7+1 Reasons Why You Should Use Square Format Photography

Square format photography has unmistakable charm and evokes classic film photography of the past. Instagram is the most widely recognized platform for square format photos today. Although photography has changed over time, the 1:1 square format remains popular, especially for its ability to enhance composition and bring new perspective to a scene. 

Photo Story: The Crested Tit

Sometimes I go to the lake or into the woods, sit down, and after a while, get pictures of precisely what I came for. However, this was not the case with this particular photograph. My legs still ache when I look at it now, several months later. Here's the story of how this photo of a Crested Tit came to be.

Tilt-Shift Lenses Explained

Everyone uses lenses. Whether they are the lenses on your camera or your phone’s lenses. But there are also specialty lenses with a set of screws on the side. These screws all you to rotate or angle the lens in different ways. How do these lenses work and what are they for?

Printing and Sharing HDR Photos Online

HDR support in Zoner Photo Studio X opens a whole new chapter in photography. Once you’ve seen true HDR, you’ll never want to go back to normal SDR photography. You will want that full dynamic range with all the deep shadows, bright highlights, and rich colors. Learn how you can edit HDR photos to print or to upload to the internet or online photo galleries.