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VIDEO: What are Shutter Modes?

You can configure various functions and settings on your camera. One of these is shutter mode. Let’s take a closer look at single, burst, self-time, and bracketing modes, and how each is used.

Composition Rules—Practical Tips for Better Photos

When taking photos, it’s important to keep at least basic composition rules in mind since making adjustments later can get tricky. Fortunately, you don’t have to reinvent the wheel—Get inspired by tried-and-true composition rules. How can you apply these rules in practice, and what should you avoid when composing your shot?

Video Editing in ZPS X—Part 2

Videos are a great way to showcase your photos and videos. In the first part of our two-part series, we covered how to add multiple video and audio tracks to your video project. In this article, we dive into advanced techniques, including working with audio, keyframes, and adding elements like your company logo.

Mastering Exports: Quickly, Smartly, and Efficiently

Photo editing is a process—from importing and organizing, to adjustments and finally exporting. Export is where your work culminates and you save your edited photos in their final form. But exporting isn’t as simple as it sounds. The improved Export feature in Zoner Photo Studio X offers a versatile set of tools. You can prepare previews, rename files, save photos online, or handle all these tasks simultaneously with ease.

Video Editing in ZPS X—Part 1

Unsure how to get started with video editing in ZPS X? In this two-part series, we demonstrate various ways to use the Video module in Zoner Photo Studio X. Learn how to put together a vacation video montage with engaging effects.

How Background Color Affects Complexion Our 10-Shade Test

The color of your photography background can work wonders. It doesn’t just set the mood of the photo, but can also influence the appearance of your model’s complexion. Which backgrounds complement natural skin tones and which ones should you avoid? To find out, we tested 10 differently-colored backgrounds, ranging from neutral gray to bright yellow. The results reveal that even subtle changes to your photos‘ background can significantly impact the overall feel of your photo.

Food Photography Capture Shots That Look Good Enough to Eat

Food photography is an art and one of the most challenging genres of photography. It requires a blend of aesthetics, technical skill, and meticulous attention to detail. It also involves food styling—the careful arrangement of food to enhance its visual appeal. The ultimate goal is to create eye-catching images, whether for a restaurant menu or the pages of a cookbook.

Travel Photography: Where to Go in February

February may be the shortest month of the year, but it’s the perfect time for photographers to explore less crowded destinations. With airfare and accommodation prices dropping, you can enjoy the Mexican Yucatan or the stunning landscapes of northern Vietnam at a fraction of summer prices. Closer to home in the Czech Republic, the beauty of Moravian rivers might surprise you. Or, you could discover the striking architectural contrasts of Katowice, Poland. So, where will your next trip take you?

‘Connection to Nature Matters More than Technique’—An Interview with Petr Horálek

He fascinates thousands with his passion for space and nature. An advocate for astronomy, stargazer, and photographer of the night sky, Petr Horálek is also a talented writer. In our interview, he reveals how he captures cosmic events and what motivates his work and photography. We also asked about his preparation for night sky photography, the equipment he relies on, and why it’s important to know what’s happening in the night sky.