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[Infographic] Selection Tools

Creating the perfect picture is often a matter of luck. But you can use selection tools to create your own luck. In Zoner Photo Studio X, there’s nothing easier than using one or more of these tools to select just the part of a picture that you want to edit.

How to Shoot With a Reflector

Natural light is generally the best light for photography. But it doesn’t always have the right direction and intensity. However, there’s a simple way to solve this. Just reach for a reflector and send the light in whichever direction you need.

[Infographic] How to Replace a Photo’s Sky

What do you do when you want to gorgeously document the look of your shot location, but the weather just isn’t there? One thing you can do is to replace the sky during post-production. This is a creative technique where you take advantage of work with layers. You’ll need both your original photograph and one with a more interesting sky. Ideally they both should have been shot at the same focal length. And what do you do after that?

How Can You Get Good Profile Photos? Watch for These 6 Things

Sure, you can go to a friend, hand them your phone or camera, and let them just take a snap. That’s one possibility. But you’ll get better results if you think a little first. A profile photo is actually a portrait, and so it follows portraits’ usual rules. Master the basics among these rules, and you’ll take great profile photos one after another.

[Infographic] Blending modes

You can use blending modes both in your work with layers and in your work with editing effects in ZPS. When you’re working with layers, you’ll find the controls for blending modes in the right panel under the Layers line, above the list of layers. During edits themselves, you’ll always find the blending mode controls (“Blending Options”) by the specific adjustment you’re applying (e.g. Curves, Grayscale, Blur, etc.). ZPS offers you over 20 different choices of blending mode. The best way to get to know them is by trying them out.

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