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Do You Really Need a DSLR?

The Digital single-lens reflex (DSLR) class of cameras is the highest “goal” in the minds of many photographers. It’s only natural that manufacturers have seen an opportunity in this and lowered DSLR prices lately. But is a DSLR worth it for everyone?

5 Great Ways to Ruin Your Photos

Beginners’ mistakes are free. (Well, psychologically at least.) But you should still learn from them—even more than from your successes. And sometimes you can learn about them before they happen. So let’s take a look at photographers’ most common mistakes.

Get Better-looking Facebook Photos!

Facebook is definitely a great friend to every photographer. But also at the same time it’s also their enemy, censoring photos and lowering their quality. Today we’ll explain a few tricks for working with the largest social network—Facebook—and for getting top quality for the photos you upload there.