Photo Story: The Crested Tit

Sometimes I go to the lake or into the woods, sit down, and after a while, get pictures of precisely what I came for. However, this was not the case with this particular photograph. My legs still ache when I look at it now, several months later. Here’s the story of how this photo of a Crested Tit came to be.
Some people are lucky enough to live in the mountains or foothills and have these birds occasionally visit their feeders. But I’m a city boy, and while I get Great Tits, Blue Tits, and if I’m lucky, Coal Tits and Marsh Tits at my feeder, the Crested Tit has always been a challenge. I decided to change that and add a photo of a Crested Tit to my collection. There are plenty of them in the nearby Beskydy Mountains, where they fly around the tops of spruce trees.
I had noticed earlier that many Crested Tits fly around the enclosure in Bílá, so my choice was clear. I packed my tent, tripod, chair, speaker, and camera, and set off. I set up my tent near the deer enclosure and a young spruce tree, settled in, set up my speaker with bird sounds, and waited.
After a while, they responded. They wanted to chat with the recording, but only from a distance. Little rascals. They fluttered around at a safe distance. I almost saw a “No photos please” sign around their necks. Divas. After a few hours, frustrated and with no pictures, I gave up.
On the way to the train, I stopped at every spruce tree, hoping that by some miracle, a Crested Tit might land right in front of me—no such luck. But during one of many stops, I realized that the height of the spruce trees in the mountains is very relative. And I clung to that thought.
“If the birds don’t come to you, you must go to them.”
The weather was in my favor, so I went to test my theory of relativity the next weekend. With a full pack on my back, I returned to the enclosure in Bílá, but this time I didn’t set up the tent. Determined, I headed straight for the hills.
After a few hours of climbing, I started to doubt my plan. Not a feather in sight. My legs grew heavy and my mood sank. The only thing that kept rising was the path. I began to regret not staying in my warm bed. I finally reached a wide contour line with a beautiful view. Below me, young spruces reached for the sky, competing with untamed birch trees.
Something was fluttering among them. But what? My eyes focused. Crested Tits, and lots of them. They were hopping on the tops of young spruce trees and getting closer to me. I quickly pulled out my camera from my backpack. I took a test shot and adjusted my camera.
I didn’t even have to rush. The Crested Tits were obviously pleased that they had lured me up there and were showing off. They hopped left and right, near and far. They were mine. Beautiful and amazing.
Thanks girls, I’ll see you again sometime soon.
Now you know where to go if you ever want a photo of this beautiful bird.
Read more exciting adventures of young photographer Michal Bogár.
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