Color Shift: Get Absolute Control Over Your Photos’ Colors

color shift get absolute control over your photos colors
Color editing is among a photographer’s basic tools for standing out from other photographers and creating a signature style. Zoner Photo Studio X now boasts a wide range of possibilities for editing a photo’s colors. And the improved Color Shift is one of them. It puts you in control of a tool to make your color adjustments a snap. Take a look at how Color Shift works.

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AuthorMatej Liska

I most love taking pictures of people. Weddings, portraits, graduation photos, balls... I am always in search of backlight, but I enjoy various types of lighting and mostly like to use shorter lenses. I love my Nikon, my guitar, and a kebab. You’ll find my photography on my website or on Facebook.

Comments (2)

  1. Top of the page says 30 day free trial. Bottom of page and link says 7 days free trial. This discrepancy has made me stop and not install at all.

    1. Hello Misty,
      Thank you for your inquiry and for pointing out the error in the article. Thanks to you, we have corrected the mistake. It was a misunderstanding for which we apologize, and we believe that despite this, Zoner Photo Studio can offer you the best level editing for your photos.
      We wish you a nice day.
      Eva | Learn Photography by Zoner Photo Studio

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