Tag: colors

How to Calibrate Your Monitor for Photography

A photographer may be able to edit world-class photos, but if their monitor alters the way certain colors look, the result will be far from desirable. Even if the user doesn’t see this, others will. Fortunately, there are ways to calibrate your monitor to go from color approximations to accurate results.

How Do You Edit RAW? Actually, It’s Easy

Almost everyone who’s spent more than a little time with a camera shoots to RAW. After all, RAW lets you make bad photos average, average photos excellent, and excellent photos even better. That’s because it offers significantly more image data than, for example, JPG. And thanks to this it gives you room for much better edits. So let’s take a look at how to work with it.

A photographer’s worst nightmare or an indispensable tool? Three ways you can use Selective Color and decide for yourself

Selective color consists of desaturating some colors in your photo. In the past, it was a very popular edit, especially in its extreme form where one object (such as a red rose or yellow taxi) remains in color and the rest of the photo is black-and-white. Let’s learn how to do this edit, as well as its less-dramatic version, which plenty of photographers use to subtly emphasize the main subject.

Color Grading Step by Step III: How to Get the Popular Teal & Orange Look

After already looking at the theory and some examples of color grading as seen in film production, we now focus on the practice. We’ll show you how you can easily create various color tint combinations in Zoner Photo Studio X, recharging your portrait and landscape photography. Specifically, we’ll demonstrate how to create the popular Teal & Orange look. We’ll go through each edit step-by-step so you can skillfully do it with your own photographs.   

Coloring Step by Step II: Adjust Your Images’ Colors Like the Filmmakers Do!

How can you as a photographer take inspiration from color toning in movies? We’ll use the examples of four famous movies to show you different styles of color grading. As you’ll see, colors have a fundamental impact on how we see movies. We’ll be looking at legends such as Saving Private Ryan, The Godfather, and The Matrix. Have you ever thought about the roles that color palettes play in them?

Coloring Step by Step I: Color Theory

You’ve probably noticed the various popular photo styles, presets, and filters out there that give photos a retro look—as if you’d peeled them out of an old, dusty album. We’re fans of these too, and you’ll find some among our presets. You can encounter this vintage look not only in portraits and reportage, but in landscape photos too. But why do some people give fresh green landscapes an autumnal, parched look, like after a drought?

[Infographic] How Do You Change a Photo’s Colors?

How do photographers get impressive pictures that are full of attractive colors? Some of them shift certain hues, while others suppress them. However you go about it, creating pictures that look like they’re from a movie or from another, the prettier reality isn’t hard at all. You can change a photo’s colors in Zoner Photo Studio just a few clicks. And that’s true no matter whether you want to change just one object in a photo or shift colors throughout it. We’ll show you how to get started.

Change a Photo’s Colors in Just a Few Clicks

Turning blue into red, turning green into yellow. These are some great options to have in your toolkit. And meanwhile edits like these aren’t really hard at all. You can change a photo’s colors in just a few clicks. And that goes no matter whether you want to change just one object in a photo or shift colors throughout a photo.

Presets: The Faster Way to Edit Photos

Exposure, contrast, black point, noise, sharpness, vignetting... there’s no shortage of things you can adjust in typical photo software. But sometimes you don’t have the time or aren’t in the mood to work with them one by one. Fortunately there are simpler ways to edit your photos too. For example, the settings called “Presets.” Try them and you’ll finish your edits in seconds.

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