A Photographer’s Digital Indecision

Digital photo processing opens up huge possibilities—everyone is free to edit photos to match their taste and their mood of the day. But this freedom can sometimes tie you up by leaving you with so many variants that you can’t even choose among them. Or at least, I know it happens to me—all the time.

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AuthorVit Kovalcik

I’ve been a freelancer since early 2012; photography is my living. I acquired my photography experience, both inside and outside the studio, during the previous years—when I was working all day and taking pictures every evening and weekend. I don’t have just one clearly defined topic; I like photographing people, but also cityscapes and landscapes.

Comments (4)

  1. Hello, Vit.

    An interesting insight. I see that there is evidence of snow, or a heavy frost on the ground, and so none of the variants actually do it for me, because the colour re-balancing is affecting the whole of the image and it makes the trees look decidedly unnatural. Sorry to be negative, but you did ask. :D)

    The colour of the leaves in the middle tree is clearly central to the image, in form and intent. I wonder, did you try just a colour dropper from curves just on these leaves to see what happens?

    1. Hello Terry, I see your point. While I don’t mind blue or yellow snow on the pictures, I understand that it might be bothersome to other people :)

      As for the dropper from curves, I haven’t tried that one to change just their color. Maybe a good idea for the next time, thank you!

      1. Vit, I’ve seen blue snow, but this is just a reflection of the sky. But yellow snow? Now if I saw that I’d start to worry about the amount of wine I’m drinking.:D)

  2. I like variant 2 best. I find this happens a lot for me, since I am a mediocre photographer, and try to supplement my shots with Nik Effects. There are so many to choose from, and sometimes when you take a decent shot, the options seem to expand, to the point you aren’t sure where you’d like to go from there.

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