Tag: photography

How to Prevent Camera Theft

I have traveled to various countries and regions for nearly two decades. I’ve spent the last two years on the road. Nothing has ever happened to me...until now. You guessed right—My camera was stolen. This article is inspired by a true story. Any resemblance to actual persons is coincidental.

What Is True HDR Photography?

True HDR photography is a new way to use technical advances in display technology to show high dynamic range and details that are closer to reality. This article is for those who want more than a simple explanation. True HDR photography is something completely different from what most photographers imagine when they hear HDR.

Tips for Enhancing Your Home with Photographs

Every home has a unique atmosphere that is shaped by the pictures and photos in it. The size, colors, arrangement, and placement of these photos can enhance the overall concept of your home, making it feel pulled together and inviting. In this article, we'll explore various aspects of decorating your living space with photographs and how to incorporate photography effectively into different spaces.

Castle Photography

Castles and palaces are popular destinations for photographers and tourists alike. Europe offers an abundance of castles to choose from. There may also be historical buildings in your own neighborhood that you’ve walked by for years without a second thought. Read our tips on castle photography and perhaps you’ll get some new inspiration for these old and familiar buildings too. 

Urban Architecture Photography

Most of us have been lucky enough to travel extensively. The more exotic the cities we visit, the more we are drawn to the various places the city has to offer. This may be a well-known landmark, a quaint tucked-away corner, or an ordinary street scene that captures the city’s character. Let’s look at several ways you can embrace and enhance your knowledge of architecture photography.

How to Give Constructive Criticism

Constructive criticism is a tool that can foster emerging talent or, it can completely discourage budding photographers. Very few people realize the power we wield when we can write a comment on practically anyone’s social media page. Let’s take a look at when constructive criticism is appropriate and when it’s best to keep your comments to yourself.

What Should You Take to Weddings? Definitely Not Just a Camera!

Experienced wedding photographers don’t just carry photo gear. They also bring lots of practical gadgets that make their work easier and help them to handle tough situations. But what’s more, their heads are stuffed with tips that can make your first wedding shoot a whole lot easier! We’ve asked for these and compiled a list of things it pays to pack for every wedding shoot.

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