Tag: Print

Printing and Sharing HDR Photos Online

HDR support in Zoner Photo Studio X opens a whole new chapter in photography. Once you’ve seen true HDR, you’ll never want to go back to normal SDR photography. You will want that full dynamic range with all the deep shadows, bright highlights, and rich colors. Learn how you can edit HDR photos to print or to upload to the internet or online photo galleries.


The Print Module

The Print module is a great tool that will help you create great gifts for your loved ones, or help you decorate your home with photo canvases that showcase your photography. Cherish your family’s memories with a photo calendar or with magnets on the fridge. All of this can be done from the comfort of your home. 

Polaroid-Style Photos

Polaroid photography has made its way around the world. Its unique white frame is recognized by practically everyone. The idea of getting a photo printed within minutes of exposure also adds to its appeal. We tried imitating the look of Polaroid photography and we have a filter and downloadable template that will do all the work for you!

What Resolution Should You Use for Printing?

The times when camera makers were waging megapixel wars are gone. And even the smallest resolution that you’ll regularly encounter in new cameras is enough to let you print your photos at fairly large sizes. So how is it with MPx counts, and what do they mean for your printing?

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