Tag: RAW

What Is True HDR Photography?

True HDR photography is a new way to use technical advances in display technology to show high dynamic range and details that are closer to reality. This article is for those who want more than a simple explanation. True HDR photography is something completely different from what most photographers imagine when they hear HDR.

Integrating Zoner Photo Studio X with the Adobe DNG Converter

After uploading a RAW photo, you open it in your photo editing software only to discover that the colors are displayed incorrectly. Or, you receive an error message saying the image format is not supported. These are a few problems you can run into when using RAW files. Zoner Photo Studio X offers custom camera and lens profiles. However, in some cases, you may still need the Adobe DNG Converter. Integrating the DNG Converter with Zoner Photo Studio X is quick and easy.

Native Support for RAW Formats in ZPS X

There are many advantages to working with RAW photos. RAW image formats are essential for high-quality output. The main advantage is that the file contains a large amount of image data for colors and dynamics range, so it can handle bolder photo editing. However, this also means certain challenges for photo editing software. With the Fall 2022 Update, ZPS X brings its own color interface that runs in the program’s background delivering true-to-life colors to your photographs.

6 great ways to deal with dark photos

Every now and then a photo just doesn’t look how you want. Underexposure is one frequent problem – maybe you were rushed and didn’t have time to adjust the camera, maybe you used automatic exposure when shooting against the light. One way or the other, now you’ve got a dark photo. But luckily you’ve also got Zoner Photo Studio X to fix it!

How Do You Edit RAW? Actually, It’s Easy

Almost everyone who’s spent more than a little time with a camera shoots to RAW. After all, RAW lets you make bad photos average, average photos excellent, and excellent photos even better. That’s because it offers significantly more image data than, for example, JPG. And thanks to this it gives you room for much better edits. So let’s take a look at how to work with it.

Full 1:1 Previews: Enjoy Faster, More Precise Work With Your RAWs

How quickly you can browse and sort your photos partly depends on the speed of your computer (alongside the size of your photo files, and more). But that doesn’t mean you need a new computer to enjoy faster photo browsing. Before heading to the computer store, head into ZPS and try out 1:1 preview preloading. Faster and better previews are among the new features brought to you by 2019’s Autumn Update for Zoner Photo Studio X.

Casting Digital Light on Foggy Pictures

In today’s article, we’ll take a look at how to touch up a foggy winter picture. Our sample picture was taken in the morning fog, and so it’s underexposed and practically monochrome. Because of this, we’ll be focusing in this article on how to adjust exposure and restore pictures’ colors. We’ll be using Zoner Photo Studio for our edits.

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